Is it common for women to wear pantyliners all the time
Slight vaginal discharge is common and can be annoying. I personally wear pantyliners most of the time as well. I can t say how common it is, though.
posted by luftmensch at 5:34 PM on September 2, 2006
I like the feel of cotton. But if the feel of liners doesn t bother spatagonia better sweater beanieomeone, and they wear liners every day, then their undies will always stay perfectly white (or whatever color they started out). So, it could be more about liking one s undies nice.
posted by ClaudiaCenter at 5:35 PM on September 2, 2006
I ve met a lot of younger women who do this and I m never sure if younger people are more hygeine conscious, or if all the tv commercials that say hey now you can wear them everyday, just to feel a little fresher! are having some effect. My general feeling is that they re not necessary but it s definitely a taste thing. If you re sweaty, wearing underwear that doesn t breathe, or for some women if you rpatagonia store ventura cae ovulating, you can have a crotch that is stickier than usual and this might 1) feel icky and 2) get crotch goo on really nice panties. Also, some women though this is often older women, but it varies leak pee. If you re a leaker these things are more of a necessity (and kegelspatagonia fly fishing lodge for sale are recommended).
So, I don t think it s body issues any more than feeling icky about any part of your body is a sign of body issues, lots of people have them to some minor degree.patagonia better sweater gloves mens I read your post and was like wow, people still use pads huh? everyone has their own routines.
posted by jessamyn at 5:37 PM on September 2, 2006
It s usually recommended that women not wear liners all the time to do with airflow and having a healthy vagina and all that but plenty of women do. Depends on how much vaginal discharge she s dealing with (if it s a lot she might want to get her gyn to look into it).
Nothing to do with body issues, no worries there.
posted by Salmonberry at 5:39 PM on September 2, 2006
When pantyliners first came out (they were called minipads then) they were for days when you knew you would only be spotting or when you weren t sure when you would get your period. Pads were more in use then along with sanitary belts, and the minipads were much more comfy. Not long apatagonia store ventura ca0fter that, repatagonia store ventura ca3gular pads that stuck directly on your underwear made the belts obsolete and tampons were getting more and more popular until the great toxic shock syndrome scare of the early 80 s. As a result we now have a billion types of sanitary protection methods to choose from, of all sorts of absorbencies and types.
posted by kopatagonia austin store hoursnolia at 6:02 PM on September 2, 2006
I ve never worn pantyliners, and pads seem quite foreign and archaic. It s total news to me that someone would wear pantyliners all the time.
posted by lunalaguna at 6:26 PM on September 2, 2006
I had an ex who wore a pantyliner all the time. It weirded me out, but she didn t have any body issues as far as those things are concered.
posted by nadawi at 6:26 PM on September 2, 2006
I ve used panyliners almost everyday for years. I like the extra layer when I m ovulating or the day after having sex. But then it turns into an everyday thing because opatagonia store ventura ca2f habit. I ve triepatagonia everlong review keurigd to break the routine many times, because I don t like to add to the landfills over something so silly.
Now I m using cloth menstrual pads. I can wash and reuse them, but still have an extra layer over my panties.
posted by saffry at 6:29 PM on September 2, 2006
My wife wears them the same way your girlfriend does.
I don t think it s body issues, just the way she was raised.
posted by Argyle apatagonia guide jacket clipt 6:32 PM on September 2, 2006
I heard that daily use of liners actually perpetuates the need for them the reduced ventilation causes more discharge.
I used to wear them every day because I thought I really needed the protection. It turned out that if the liners were there, they were necessary if thepatagonia guide jacket 88y weren t, my body adjusted to the increased airflow and did just dandy without thempatagonia store ventura ca1. So now I only use liners as tampon accessories.
posted by phatkitten at 6:44 PM on September 2, 2006
I have never heard of anyone wearing pantyliners all the time. I guess it could be acceptablepatagonia guide pants 44x29 for the last day or so of the period but it astounds me that anyone would wear anything except tampons becausepatagonia jacket closeout letting your monthly crotch rot just drip onto a pad that may or may not catch it is disgusting.