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Investigation continues in case of missing ISU student

Highway 6 in Iowa City. Police said they noticed an odor coming from the trunk when they approached the car.

When police openpatagonia even better sweater0ed the trunk, they found a body inpatagonia even better sweater2side.

University of Iowa international stpatagonia even better sweaterudent Youwei Zhao topatagonia better sweater ladiesld KCRG TV that most Chinesepatagonia better sweater temperature students stick to our own group, which is why hediscount patagonia board shorts is helping out at the crisis center this weekend. He believes having a Mandarin chat service will allow Chinese students to feel comfortable reaching out.

An official at the crisis center told KCRG that even though most interbuy patagonia hatsnatpatagonia even better sweater3ional students can speak English well, being able to talk things out in their own language is more important in times when they feel scared or alone.


Shao was a Chinese international student attending Iowa State University and was last heard from Sept. 8.
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Police said the friend Shao was visiting in Iowa City flew back to China the day after Shao s disappearance due to a family emergency.

Iowa City police Lt. Mike Brothpatagonia expedition race new yorkerton said Shao s friend is a person of interest.

Ames police asked for the public s help in locating Shao s Camry with Kenpatagonia everlong review xfinitytucky plates 287 JDZ.

About a week and a half went by before friends realized Shao was missing and the Ames Police Department contacted law enfpatagonia guide jacket kangarooorcement agencies to request their assistance in finding the 20 year old.

Brotherton said police in Iowa City tracked down her friends and people she knew in Iowa City, which led investigators to Dolphin Lake Point apartment complex, where the Camry was found, the Gazette reported.

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