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I have a 99 Detroit diesel series 60 12

I have a 99 Detroit diesel series 60 12.7 that dropped a valve and knocked hole in piston. Changed all parts in that cylinder rod, piston, beapatagonia womens shoesrings all four valves and one seat that was messed up. put it all back together had it out of time pulled bull gear cover off and set timing, after I stpatagonia better sweater 1 4 zip womensarted it sounded like I had a bent valve pulled head again and sure enough two bent valves same cylinder that blew changed the two valves today and looked at guides ect did not see anything wrong put it all back together and fired it up same thing I patagonia drifter reviewam pretty sure it bent the valves once more. I dont hear anything hitting when cranking but seems as soon as it fires it bends the valves all this is on number four cylinder. I am losing my mind and need help.

Buddy : Hi and welcome to JA. I am Buddy, and i will try and help you out. I dont know what the head looks like, but alot of times when they drop a valve, they normally beat the head up pretty good, and require replacing. Also are you setting the valves when you put the head back on, and what settings are you using. I would start off checking to make sure they give you a 12L rod. I am pretty sure they stamp 12L on the rod. If you cannot see it, give me the engine serial number and the part number of the rod they sold you and i will check and see. Next i would look at the rocker arms on that cylinder. Alot of times when this happens, they will bend the rockers. You can look at the adjuster and compare it to the rest of them after you set it, and make sure about the same amount of threads on each cylinder. Also look at the jake brake, and make sure the plunger is not stuck causing the valves to stay open. One other thing i have seen a few times,is the dial pin the camshaft bent and causing bent valves, but normally on more then one cylinder tho. If patagonia employee discountyou have anymore questions, just ask.

Customer: Head did get a little beat up but it does not look that bad. I am sure I got the right rod took old one and s XXXXX to parts house. I am using .026 on exhaust and .008 on intake

Buddy : Thanks for the info. Also look at jake, and make sure it is not stuck. Stand camshaft up and look at down pin from the side, if patagonia outlet store edinburgh0it is bent any at all, it will throw the timing off. Alot of times when i see one drop a valve, the camshaft dowel pin will be bent from the contact of valve and piston. You can replace the dowel pin also, without having to replace the camshaft. If that is good, i would check timing with a dial indicator. If you need procedure for that, just let me know. Normally timing issues, and cam dowel issues will cause more then one cylinder to bend valves tho. I would definatly verify correct parts. Our parts guys at our store, give us wrong parts pretty often.

Customer: This engine does not have jake brakes. The rockers look fine and seem to have same height. When I set the valves I used a dial indicator, Is it possible to be one eighty out ? I pulled bull gear cover and lined up all dots like manual showed. I am just stumped I see nothing wrong with head and if I would have done something wrong you would think it would be showing in a cylinder other than the one I had a problem with. I am gonna go get the part number of the rod

Buddy : Thanks for the info. Normally the will not crank when they are 180 degrees out of time, just smoke and pop while cranking on engine.

Customer: rod part XXXXX XXXXX

Customer: womens patagonia better sweater fullI dont see any problem with anything in the head to be causing this. I thought my driver might have over raved theday best of patagonia tour engine on a hill but that does not seem to be case with the problem still getting cause in this cylinder could you think of anything else that might have cause it in the first place to fail? Ipatagonia outlet store edinburgh was thinking a spring but they seem fine and for it to let a valve float wouldn t it have to be pretty week ie. be able to push by hand which I cant anpatagonia outlet store edinburgh2d valve spring compressor is hard to get to compress so I would nopatagonia outlet store edinburgh3t think it is a week spring. Also I can move valves freely in guides and no play in them.

Buddy : Thanks for the info. Do you have the engine serial number handy? Also was the piston still in one piece when you tore engine down originally, or was the piston in 2 pieces? I would not think spring would be weak. Was any of the are under the valve seats damaged? If you have any wonders about overspeed, you can carry ecm to shop that has ddec report patagonia discount code dollarsoftware,and they can pull alot of informatpatagonia outlet store edinburgh1ion out of ecm, and see what kind of rpms it has been running

Customer: Serial number is XXXXX When tore it down first time I had one broke off valve that broke the piston the other three were bent and had a scare in one of the exhaust seats changed the seat in one exhaust valve the rest look good checked with putting oil on them and pushed valves in had a ring of oil all around new valves so seems to be seating.

Buddy : Thanks for the info. That is the correct number on the rod. That year model range of your engine was very notorious for pistons coming apart. They would break right above the wrist pin, the skirt would still be on piston, but the top part with the rings would be slapping the head and doing valve damage. If that is what happepatagonia everlong review journal sportsned to your engine, there is nothing really you could of done to prevent it. If it bent valves again, it has to be a clearance issue, either from timing or valve lash issue.

Buddy : One other thing, is there any water on top of that piston when you pull the head off?

Customer: Not that I saw why could there be a crack in the head or something that would cause this?

Customer: No water in oil or anything like that either

Buddy : I was thinking, if water was getting in there from head, or around bottom side of injector cup, it could be bending the valves. If that was the case, the engine should be getting hydrolocked and not able to spin engine over

Customer: Starts right up as well after the valves have bent I dont see any water coming from intake either with tube off of intercooler

Buddy : That would eliminate water bending them

Buddy : When you tear it back down can you take some pics of cam dowel pin,head and rockers and post them on here

Customer: Sure will do. Tearing down today.

Customer: Buddy I found that the dowel pin was bent got a new one and put it in, Also the intake rocker on the number four cylinder did not move like the others on the shaft also bought a new one of those. Do you think that with the new dowel pin and rocker I would be safe to put it back together and not bend the valves once more or should there be other things I should look at? Also could you send me the way to check the timing just to make sure I did it right?

Buddy : Thanks for the information. I will send you the timing check procedure. Also let me know the procedure you are running the overhead, just to make sure it is correct. There are about 3 different ways to do them now adays. After you do set the valves. I would roll the engine over several rotations, and recheck the valves again, just to make sure they are what you set them to. If they are, and the timing is good, i feel that you woulpatagonia mens jacket bigd be okay. I will reply back with timing procedure check

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