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Introduction to Philosophy

Introduction to Philosophy is under development. How would you like to add to it and aid its development?

This learning project intropatagonia womens better sweaterduces participants to philosophy, its major terms, themes and thinkers. Hopefully most ofpatagonia better sweater women's jacket them will be interesting and enjoyable to you. Intro to Philosophy, like any intro to an academic topic, is always a little too broad. It is designed to give you the common foundation that anyone taking philosophy courses should have. Unlike more advanced philosophy courses, the reading should be relatively less challenging, and only be to get you ready for the real philosophy stuff.

A number of different approaches can be taken in organizing an introduction to philosophy course. One approach is to survey readings from the major areas of philosophy: Epistemology, Metaphysics and Value Theory. Another approach could be a historical survey from the Pre Socratic philosophers to Post modern philosophers. The last approach I will mention is a concise introduction that is somewhat of patagonia guide jacket manufacturers3a hybrid between the survey and historical approaches. Such courses in Philosophy assume basic knowledge and demand intense, challenging reading. Therefore, this course should give you the basic fundamentalspatagonia guide jacket manufacturers0 that the higher Philosophy courses can build on. Typically, these are (among others):

What thinking was there before Socrates? How was Socrates different, a turning point? What about all that stuff since then?Learning materials and learning projects are located in the main Wikiversity namespace. Simplypatagonia guide jacket manufacturers1 make a link to the name of the lesson (lessons are independent pages in the main namespace) and start writing!

You should also read about the Wikiversity:Learning model. Lessons should center on learning activities for Wikiversity participants. Learning materials and learning projects can be used by multiple projects. Cooperate with other departments that use the same learning resource.

The ancient Socrates pioneered a method patagonia shoes for men for saleof inquiry which has been dubbed The Socratic Method . The method consists of 插入patagonia guide jacket manufacturers0asking questions in order to penetrate deeper into various arguments and understandings about questions and issues. This logical tool is vastly helpful in challenging arguments non coercively and allows a speaker to have an audience declare answers, rather than the inquirer. This tool can be used to challenge any belief or opinion, and can be very helpful for philosophers of all ages. The Socratic Method can be applied to challenging every position that a given person has; indeed, if each person werepatagonia discount code delta to challenge his/her views and take the opposite position on any issue, they would learn the perspective of other people and would learn more about the position they had initially chosen, which might lead to a deeper consideration of the possible beliefs one may have. Gorgias is a dialog in which Socrates questions a practitioner of rhetoric, Gorgias, in an attempt to discover what rhetoric is.

[1] Gorgias

Study guide:

Forming a historical picture of Socrates is problematic. We learn about him through his students and contemporaries.

The Socrates that appears in Plato s dialogues is used as an example of philosophy. Socrates typicallypatagonia guide jacket manufacturers2 plays dumb (called Socratic irony) and the person he is speaking to does not seem to notice. In this way, Socrates leads the person, by asking them questions, to realize they really knew nothing. This teaching by questioning is referred to as the Socratic method. Over and ovpatagonia guide jacket insulationer, the wisest, most famouspatagonia guide jacket lining and successful celebrities of Ancient Greece are revealed to know nothing when theypatagonia guide jacked up agree to enter into a dialogue with Socrates.

This persistent, wise questioning is often presented as an example of a Philosopher. Socrates was a Philosopher, and these other people (professional teachers of rhetoric at the time) are called sophists, the most famous being Gorgias.

Plato (or Socrates) criticizes the sophism of Gorgias and other rhetoricians.

Read Plato s dialogue Gorgiapatagonia guide pants 6ss to see how he criticizes him. That should really be enough for now. Leave the pre socratics and the motivations of Plato and life story of Socrates for some other time.

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