International Students Staff Pack
When communicating with international students whose first language is not English, it is important to use plain English.Stripped of colloquialism anpatagonia better sweater jacket mensdpatagonia fleece best value0 metaphor, plain English, sometimes known as international English, can be a very effective form of communication. Howepatagonia yulex reviewver, plain English would sound very dull and monotonous if the native speaker used it all the time, since it ispatagonia shoes cheap the subtleties and nuances which give a language its vibrancy and richness. In common with other lanpatagonia fleece best value1guages, English has a pool of expressive metaphors on which to draw and many of these have enterepatagonia better sweater xxld the collective consciousness.One effective way of trying to understand the culture of international students is to look at the metaphors and expressions patagonia fleece best value2that they use regarding teaching and learning. While they can often seem strange when first encountered, in many cases these metaphors and expressions offer a direct insight into the thought processes of people from cultures other than our own.Give five examples of learning and teaching metaphors which might be used in the UK context. You could also use metaphors for teachers.Here are some examples: is the key to success is a journey a good teacher is a shepherd who tends to his sheepPerhaps such metaphors do not come so easily to mind in the UK context but there are many and varied metaphors that are used in othpatagonia r1 full ziper languages, particularly in Chinese and patagonia factory store venturaJapanese.Now let us compare your metaphors with those commonly used in these and other ldiscount patagonia jacketsanguages.Many of these metaphors will sound very simple and sometimes familiar; however, it is important to think about their true meaning and significance. Such metaphors, which form an important part of the language and way of thinking for people in a shared cultural environment, will clearly have a significant impact on their attitudes to learning and teaching.Here is just one American perspective on the nature of the learner:students were lost ships in need of a port, and literature and writing were their saviorsThis is from an interesting essay by Candida Gillis and Cheryl L. Johnson entitled Metaphor as Renewal: Re Imagining Our Professional Selves. (See )2.2 Metaphors that other people learn byHere is a series of metaphors and sayings which are deeply embedded in different cultures. They may be unique to one culture or they may have very similar equivalents in opatagonia fleece best value3ther cultures. Sometimes some of the vitality may be lost in translation, not just in the words but in a different cultural context. They are to be enjoyed and hopefully they will give pause for thought and bring forth the occasional smile of recognition or of delight in a new concept.Teaching is a procepatagonia fleece best valuess of moving from darkness to light:Education is light, lack of it is darkness (Russia)As a student it is important to have an enquiring mind. Here are similar expressions from two very different cultures:He who is ashamed of asking is ashamed of learning (Denmark)To ask once is shame for one time, not to ask is shame for all one life (Japanpatagonia guide pants ending)Learning is highly revered and valued:Knowledge is a treasure (China)Education is cultivation (China)However, a good teacher is important and the diligent student should submit to the teacher:The eggs do not teach the hen (Russia)In many instances study is seen as beinpatagonia jewelry valueg a long term process, rather than producing short term rewards: