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The debate over Islam and ISIS remained hot on Time with Bill Maher last night.

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Maher called Islam only religion that acts like the mafia, that will fucking kill you if you say the wrong thing, draw the wrong picture or write the wrong book. Affleck insisted that the numberpatagonia fiona insulated boots reviews2 of radical Islamists was small, and that the entire religion could not be condemned in that way. Harris arguepatagonia new backpackd that radical beliefs in Islam are actually quitepatagonia fiona insulated boots reviews1 mainstream.

Mediaite has the full video below:

And here are selections of the transcript:

Bill Maher: One reason they don get exposed is because tpatagonia better sweater black fridayhey afraid to speak out because it the only religion that acts like the mafia, that will fucking kill you if you say the wrong thing, draw the wrong picture or write the wrong book.

Ben Affleck: What is yourpatagonia fiona insulated boots reviews0 solution? To condemn Islam? To do what? We killed more Muslims than they killed us by an awful lot. We invaded more Bill Maher: I not for more dead Muslims.

Ben Affleck: And somehow we exemppatagonia fiona insulated boots reviewst from these things because they not really a reflection of what we believe in.

And later:

Ben Affleck: ISIS couldn couldn full a AA ballpark in Charleston, West Virginia and you want to make a career out of ISIS, ISIS, ISIS.

Bill Maher: No, we not. That the opposite.

Sam Harris: No, it not just ISIS, it all jihadists. It a phenomenon of global jihad.

Bill Maher: I think that the opposite of what we doing.

Ben Affleck: There (are) those things. There is ISIS, there (are) global jihadists. The question is the degree to which you willing to say, because I witpatagonia footwear nomad gtx reviewnessed this behavior, which we all object to on part of these people, I willing to flatly condemn those of you I don know and never met.

Bill Maher: They not willing. Thispatagonia men's lightweight guide pants reviews is based on reality.

Sam Harris: It not condemning people, it ideas.

Bill Maher: It based on reality, Ben. In the Muslim world, it is mainstream belief.

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