i cannot get into my aol email account
cvd4311 : sounds like your account has been hacked. If that doesn t work clear you cache and history in your browser then instead of using safari, use IE or google chrome.
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Note: If you don see the image clearly, click the refresh button to the right to display a new image. If that doesn help, click the volume button to hear the code.
5. We need to verify that this acpatagonia better sweater reicount belongs to you. Click on one of tpatagonia girls jacket reviews1he options listed to confpatagonia black hole 120l duffel reviewirm that the same information was provided by you when youpatagonia store georgetown hours created the account. The available options are:
Text My Mobile (if your number is XXXXX registered, this option is not listed)Alternate Email AddressAccount Security Question,Note: In some cases you may be asked to choose an additional option. Please click accept and leave feedback if you are satisfied with my answer so that I might get credit for this questipatagonia full zip hoody down sweaterpatagonia girls jacket reviews0on.
Customer: Hi, Your first suggestion didnt work quite how you said, i dont have internet explorer but managed to clear cache and reset browser on safarpatagonia girls jacket reviews3i, this didnt work. i patagonia r1 full zip men mediumhave tried your second option and that wont work, its saying i am locked out for 24 hours. The numbers you have suggested are not recognized, I am in the uk, are they American? Still no email : (
cvd4311 : has the 24 hours passed as of yet?
Custompatagonia girls jacket reviews2er: No, but i have just done all this, waited 24 hours and it still wouldn t accept my information.
Customer: This is my third attempt, the problem is, the system is sending my reset password XXXXX to the account i cant access.
cvd4311 : this is what it is saying for the UK:
If you ve forgotten the password XXXXX any of your AOL Screen Names, you can choose a new password XXXXX without needing to contact AOL Customer Services.
Simply try signing on to the AOL Screen Napatagonia discount code yooxme in question, as normal. If you get the password XXXXX twice, you will be given the option to reset the password, provided you can verify your identity by confirming certain details about your AOL account (for example, the name of the account holder).
Note: This feature only works when connecting to AOL via modem or broadband (not TCP/IP) and is not avpatagonia fly fishing quickailable when signinpatagonia girls jacket reviewsg on as a Guest.
If you encounter problems resetting your password, sign on to any of your other AOL Screen Names and go to AOL Keyword: Live Help.
Customer: I have tried their live help, it wasnt any help! i will try the phone number you have given
cvd4311 : okay that is the only phone number they are giving out.
Customer: The number is XXXXX in use, it is redirecting me to aol broadband, i have already tried them, they couldnt help and forwarded me to another company that had no idea what i was talking about!!