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A deadly domestic situation played out at the most unlikely of places yesterday: A YMCA in Coatesville, Pa. was the scene of an apparent murder suicide that put the organization that promotes family health patagonia outlet onlineand community bonds on lockdown at the height of its activity on Monday. at the Branpatagonia wetsuits online ukdywine YMCA in Chester County. This, as gunfire was heard in the parking lot. We were in pool area for about an hour before one of the directors of the Y said we neediscount patagonia nano puff2d to move everyone into the gymnasium, patagonia black hole wheeled duffel 100l review YMCA lifeguard Kyle Jenkins tells the station.The female victim, reportedly the ex girlfriend of the male shooter who laid in wait in an ambush style attack in the parking lot, was outside the YMCA whediscount patagonia nano puffn she was shot multiple times and died.Investigators say the male shooter then discount patagonia nano puff3waited for police to arrive and then turned the gun on himself and took his life, the news station reported.Neither the victim nor the shooter have been publicly identified by police.Chester County District Attorney Tom Hogan tells WPVI that the woman knew her shooter and it was domestic related. They were not married; it was a domestic situation. They did have a prior relationship with each other, Hogan said.Meanwhile inside the Y, lifeguards like Carley Stutzman tried to keep the kids calm and safe, making sure everyone stayed away fpatagonia shoprom the windows, WPVI wrote.Boy, 6, dead after mother tells police she threw him from 110 foot high bridgeThe boy s own mother made the 911 call Monday evening. She said shediscount patagonia nano puff1 had thrown her 6 year old boy from a towering bridge there, his body plunging into the icy waters below.Jillian Meredith McCabe, 34, allegedly called 911 to report that she had thrown her 6 year old son from the Yaquina Bay Bridge in Newport, Oregon, on Monday, igniting an all out rescue effort. But the boy s body was found floating near a marina late Monday. Coast Guard and local police and firefighters to the scene hoping to save the boy.It happened in Newport, Oregon, the Washington Post reports.Newport Police Chief Mark Miranda told CNN that the chances somepatagonia everlong review thesaurusone would survive the more than 100 foot fall from the Yaquinadiscount patagonia nano puff0 Bay Bridge to the water below were minimal, the Post wrote, adding:If someone did live through the fall, the frigid wpatagonia guide jacket and dressater would kill him within about 20 minutes.In this case, the boy s body was found late Monday in Yaquina Bay. The boy was found floating near a marina. The fire department got there first and recovered the body, Klingenberg told NBC News. It s absolutely a tragedy. Mopatagonia guide pants katst of us all have families. The Coast Guard searched the water for hours in two vessels and apatagonia guide pants 26x30 helicopter before finding the body, Coast Guard spokesman Jonathan Klingenberg told CNN. Local search and rescue teams also aidepatagonia military clothing onlined in the search.

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