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Judge calls her a liar when sentencing woman who kidnapppatagonia clothes online1ed Iowa baby

A woman convicted of kidnapping an infant and leaving him at a West patagonia clothes online3Branch, Iowa gas station has been sentenced to 25 years in prison. District Judge James Peterson sentenced 31 year old Kristen Smith, from Aurora,patagonia store vancouver Colorado, to 25 years in federal prison followed by 10 years of patagonia clothes online0supervised release for kidnapping an infant from his Beloit, Wisconsin home back in February, according插入patagonia outlet store online4 to a statement from the Department of Justice.

When Kayden s mother discovered he was missing, Smith waspatagonia pro deal discount contacted by police. She was asked to stop at a gas station while she was epatagonia guide jacket promotionn route to Colorado so patagonia clothes onlinelocal police could speak with her about the child.

Court records showed that a West Branch police officer searched Smith s car but did not find Kayden. The officer did find baby clothes, a strollpatagonia clothes online2er, and a fake pregnancpatagonia environmental grants qualityy belly.

the trial, evidence showed that Smith faked a pregnancy and kidnapped the infant with the intepatagonia everlong review zennint to take patagonia everlong review 328ihim back to Colorado and claim him as hepatagonia gear storer child, said a statement from the Department of Justice.

Smith was arrested that morning for an unrelated crime. The next day, a West Branch Police Officer found Kayden behind a BP gas station wrapped in blankets inside of a plastic tote box.

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